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New Year, New Goals? Consider establishing your company’s IP Strategy this year.

Written By Abigail Woolhouse Director, Head of TMs/Copyright, Principal TM Attorney

The beginning of January tends to be an ideal time to set up or refresh personal and company goals and objectives. While New Year Resolutions have a habit of not surviving until the third week of January, a well-thought-through set of company objectives will obtain a better chance of being achieved by the end of the year.

There are several methods for setting goals – even asking AI chatbots to set them! However, it is well known that if you share them with someone you respect and are prepared to be accountable to that person, you are more likely to be successful. Set your goals by following the S.M.A.R.T. tool – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound, supporting you in achieving your goals. Find out how to set up S.M.A.R.T. goals here.

Perhaps one of your objectives this year will be establishing a clear IP strategy for your company. Stratagem can assist you by getting to know your business and understanding what you seek to achieve. We can then review your present portfolio to identify any gaps while forming a plan to reach your desired destination – whether that is a product launch, funding round, or business sale.

The UK IPO offers a grant to some businesses to conduct an IP audit; information concerning this may be located here via Innovate Edge. Stratagem is happy to assist with conducting such audits; however, the initial application must be actioned by the company requiring the audit.

Alternatively, please get in touch with us at as a first step for an initial free half-hour discussion on how we can assist.

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